There is an Angry बुड्ढा inside all of us

Back in the days of Nokia 3310, we were developing short video content for mobiles, when mobiles were not even ready for it. I had made a character called Angry Bud-dha, based on my encounter with a bad-tempered,
elderly bank employee during my 1st year of college. I turned him into funny, meme-ish kind of short animations that could be sent as MMS (as a kind of revenge).

Angry Buddha

I look around now to see our world is run by so many of the same Angry Bud-dhas. All they do is prime us to make us angry. They have made the world much more angrier and much less kind-er place to be.

But more importantly I’ve realized that there is an Angry Bud-dha inside all of us.

We’re probably much more angry at ourselves than we’re at anybody else. Reasons could vary – we’ve been wronged, cheated or hurt; our own failures, pains and sufferings; our efforts, dreams or wishes remaining unfulfilled, and sometimes our judgmental behavior & self-righteousness is making us angry.

All these keeps the bud-dha inside us quietly pissed at all times. This bud-dha is the one who wakes up to answer the door whenever it’s knocked a little too hard.

We take out this Angry Bud-dha on others, on people in our lives – family, friends, on people we love and care about, and most on people we don’t know even know, understand or empathize with.

I’ve tried hard to control this Angry Bud-dha inside me. Most times i’ve failed, sometimes i’ve won. But the important thing was to be able to acknowledge and accept this bud-dha inside, and engage him in a conversation to make him less angry. Effin hard i know! As bud-dha himself says in the clip “Arre umar kya hai teri? Teri umar ke pote hain mere”
(You’re too puny to teach me anything)

But only by engaging this bud-dha inside can we truly understand the meaning of this great quote – ‘We first need to be kind to ourselves before we can be kind to others.’

The world needs to be a kind place.
For that to happen, we’ll all have to be kind to this Bud-dha inside us.